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Monday, September 5, 2011

2020 Goals for AHA

From the American Heart Association 2010 report Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics, we see the importance of keeping a constant vigil against the deadliest disease to Americans. According to this report more than one in three adults in America have one or more types of Cardiovascular disease (81,100,000). Approximately 47 percent of these are over the age of 60 (38,100,000).
The AHA lists high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, heart failure, and stroke as Cardiovascular Diseases.
The most recent statistics for one year are from 2006. And in 2006 More than 151,000 American killed by CVD were under the age of 65. Nearly 33 percent of people who died from CVD died before their 75th birthday.
To put these numbers in better perspective, here is a comparison of other leading causes of death and their mortality rate.
Cardiovascular Diseases: ................... 1,347,000
Cancer................................................. 559,888
Alzheimer’s disease............................... 72,432
HIV (AIDS).............................................. 12,113
In hopes to change these statistics, the American Heart Association has committed to what they are calling the 2020 Impact Goal.
“By 2020, to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent while reducing deaths from cardiovascular disease and stroke by 20 percent.”