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Tuesday, January 3, 2012


So, I know my blog's been posting (and I'm so glad it has), but i've been out of commission since October!
I had a stroke on October 5th! what a frightening ordeal! the details would take too long, and seem only interesting to me right now, so I won't make you suffer through them.
I am 45 years old. I have 5 children. I am overweight. I do NOT exercise... or atleast... I didn't!
But of course, now, my health has become extremely important. It was something that I ignored and took for granted. But now I'm a new person, with a hightened awareness of my heart and blood health!
I'll be saying more in the near future about some of the things i have learned, and some of the things that may be able to help YOU!
TTYL :-)