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Saturday, December 11, 2010

PET scan

A PET scan
The PET (positron emission tomography)  scan involves a small amount of radioactive material that must enter your body. This substance will help to reveal what part of your body has an abnormally high or low chemical activity.
When receiving a PET scan to look for indication of heart disease the goal is to see where there might be areas in the heart that have a decreased blood flow. The radioactive material enters your body intravenously. You might feel a cold sensation moving up your arm. This is typical and temporary.
When trying to determine damage to the heart this test is often so indicate if angioplasty or coronary artery bypass surgery might beneficial.

·         Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) a
·         C-reactive protein test a
·         Stress test  a
·         Nuclear stress test a
·         SPECT scan

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