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Saturday, August 27, 2011

A HIGH Quality Life!

Quality of life is a term often referred to toward the end of our lives. But what are we doing to ensure that we live a Quality Life now? In the coming days I’ll be discussing things that most of us already know, but obviously a little reminder won’t hurt. And if I can help just one person to live a longer, healthier life, my goal will have been accomplished.
I know that life gets complicated, and sometimes there are twists and turns in life that we never anticipated or planned for. But I want to encourage you, that if there is something in your life that has you emotionally distressed “Deal with it!” No really, I MEAN deal with it.
Sometimes things happen completely out of our control (ie: grown children making poor decisions, friend or loved one ill) and we allow these things to affect our physical health by worrying, & stressing over things that we CANNOT change. If you can’t change it, admit that you can’t change it. But you CAN change how it affects you! And if there are things that emotionally have you down that you CAN change… then devise a plan to change those things so that they are no longer a negative factor.
Now, don’t everybody get mad at me all at once! I’m not a pie in the sky person, and I do live in reality. I’m just saying, WE ALL allow things to bother us that will eventually have a negative impact on our physical health if not handled properly. So, deal with those things! Face them, don’t make them bigger than they already are, and then find something positive to dwell on! Trust me, it will help!
The Center for Disease Control reports that Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in American Adults. Now I would think that just the awareness of this fact would bring down the statistic. Why don’t we make sufficient changes that are required to prevent our lives ending in this way?
But even for those of us who do make a conscious effort to increase our awareness of our physical health, sometimes there are factors beyond our control that will still remain with us.
The most complicated questions usually have pretty simple answers. So I’m not trying to be an expert. I will be here stating the obvious and discussing matters of our heart health.
Have a great day today – do something positive for your heart! And if you’re toward the end of your day, look back on today and see the good things that you did. You can’t change your mistakes, but you can learn from them to have an even better tomorrow!

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