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Monday, November 22, 2010

Guard your Love / Guard your Life

We all want to protect those that we love. Our relationships with them are priceless! When we take precautions and are aware of our own health, we are really doing it more for our loved ones than we are for ourselves.
Our physical health needs to be guarded.

If you don’t guard your health and value it, you will soon notice that your health is not what it was. You don’t have the strength or desire to do what you thought you would at this age.

When we find our health in a condition of disrepair, we have 2 choices. We can continue to do the same things, and expect same results, or we can change or go back to when we lived healthy!

Guard your heart! Keep it healthy! You’ll be glad you did!

Some statistics:
The American Heart Association and the Center for Disease Control both state that Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in Adults in America. In 2006  the number of deaths caused by heart disease was 631,636. That’s 26% of the adults deaths in 2006. Every year about 785,000 Americans have their first heart attack; another 470,000 who have already had one or more heart attacks have another attack.

The best way to survive a heart attack, is to not have one to begin with!

26% -- that’s 1 in 4 – Next time you’re with 3 of your friends – think about that!
If there’s something that you can do to prevent catastrophe, wouldn’t you do it?

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

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