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Friday, February 21, 2014

Mind of Matter? or Mind our Emotions?!

Emotions affect you Mind

Just as it is true that our Mood affects our emotions, if we continue to think on negative things and respond with negative emotions. It is these negative thoughts that will eventually compromise our heart-health. 
Worry is an emotion that can immediately affect our blood pressure. Anger is another. The list can go on...
Despair, Fear, Agitation, Insecurity, Betrayal, Revenge.... See! your mind has already recognized and isolated certain emotions and certain instances that you relate to these feelings. Continuously dwelling on these emotions will eventually have a deleterious affect on your health. 
The "Wises Man in the World" (King Solomon) wrote:
"A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones." He also wrote this about what we do having a positive affect on our emotions. He said "he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he."

We have all known people that seem to enjoy dwelling on negative emotions. These people also have a negative thought-life. If they are regularly sad or blue, their thoughts will evolve to conform to their emotions. But we can choose to be better. I can choose to be bettter. YOU can choose to be better! 
Have a GREAT day!
and a Positive Mind!

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